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   To enter a Chapter from the Main Menu, click once on its name or on the colored icon beside it. Click on a topic name to go directly to the topic. To return to the Main Menu, click on the purple "Main" button on the navigation bar.

   Each Chapter in the Home Improvement Encyclopedia consists of topics (or electronic pages) that follow a sequence. To see a topic, click on its name in the Chapter table of contents. To read from one topic to the next, click on the purple Browse buttons (>) in the Navigation bar at the top of the screen. To back up a page, use the Reverse Browse button (<).

   To retrace your steps through the product, the "Back" button in your web browser.

   The Home Improvement Encyclopedia often uses the language of building professionals. Some of these terms will be new to you. Generally, however, you'll find that there are hyperlinks, marked in a special way.  Click on these words, and you'll jump to the word's definition in the glossary. To return to your original page, click on the "Back" button.

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